Try the new Rock Hard Penis Power Cream for a better and faster erection.
100% Advanced Chinese Herbal Formula Penis Enlarging Cream
This cream is a highly potent sexual stimulant for men.
- Potent product, with new and advanced formulations.
- Enhancing a strong, harder and longer lasting erection.
- Delayed ejaculation.
- Enhances the diameter and potentially the length of the penis.
- Rapid acting and longer lasting. Easily absorbed through the skin.
- Rinse and wash your penis with warm water and soap, and make sure it is dry.
- Rub penis with a little cream gently (for 10 to 15 minutes) until the contents of the cream are completely absorbed.
- Absorption can be increased by using a hot towel before applying.
- For best results, apply twice per day for 8 – 12 weeks.